Monday, 2 March 2015


These are the first polariods I tested using a wide instax polariod camera.  I found it quite hard to make sure I didn't get any unwanted background other than the plain black, because there is no screen to check, which is why a few of them didn't work all that well.  I like the effect that polariods have even without doing anything post-production.  It adds more exposure to the light areas with I think worked quite well with these in contrast to the black background.  However because of the high exposure, the skin didn't pick up that clearly, it just looks quite white and bland, and I'm more interested in the close ups and textures of the skin.

I asked my model to wear simple skintight clothes, in order to be able to see the outlines of her features and muscles, and to make sure as to not have the clothes as a distraction from the initial idea behind the shots.  I decided to use a small stall in the pictures, so that she had something to lean on for the more technical poses, and made sure it was just a simple stall. 

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